Friday, September 12, 2008

Sequela of apoplexy

Sequela of apoplexy refers o paralysis of limbs, distortion of face and difficulty in speaking after the attack of acute cerebrovascular disease, similar to wind stroke and paralysis in TCM. It is caused by non-restoration of the visceral functions, retention of phlegm and blood sta-sis in the meridians as well as abnormal flow of meridian
[Syndrome differentiation]
Paralysis of limbs on one side, accompanied by numb-ness or pain or susceptibility to sweating, distortion of face, stiffness of tongue and difficulty in speaking and swallowing.
1. Body acupuncture
Prescription: Baihui (GV 20), Hegu (LI 4) and Tai-chong (LR 3).
Modification: For paralysis of upper limbs, Jianyu (LI 15), Quchi (LI 11), Shousanli (LI 10) and Waiguan (TE 15) are added~ for paralysis of lower limbs, Huantiao (GB 30 ), Zusanli (ST 36 ), Yanglingquan ( GB 34 ), Fenglong (ST 40), Xuanzhong (GB 39) and Kunlun (BL 60) are added; for distortion of face, Jiache (ST 6), Di-cang (ST 4), Yangbai (GB 14), Cuanzhu (BL 2) are add-ed; for stiffness of tongue, Lianquan (CV 23) and Tongli (HT 5) are added; for difficulty in swallowing, Lianquan (CV 23) and Fengchi (GB 20) are added.
Performance: The acupoints are selected and needled according to the pathological conditions. Usually mild re-inforcing and reducing needling techniques are used. The acupoints on the four limbs are needled with the addition of moxibustion. Jiache (ST 6) and Dicang (ST 4) are needled with the needles pointing to each other. Lianquan (CV 23) is needled with the needle pointing to the root of the tongue. Fengchi (GB 20) is needled with rotating and twirling manipulations.
2. Scalp acupuncture
Prescription: Motor zone, sensory zone, zone of pedal movement and sensation and lingual zone on the op-posite side.
Performance: The needles are inserted 0.5 - 1 cun with intermittent manipulation. The needles are retained for 30 minutes. Impulse current can be attached to the needles with moderate and strong stimulation for 30 minutes.

More information: Acupuncture Sequela of apoplexy
A:If you want to know information about traditional Chinese medicine culture, please clink it.B: If you want to learn nature therapy, welcome to join us.
C: How much do you know about Reflexology? If you don't know, TCM Center tells you.D: Acupuncture is another kind of nature and effective therapy, and there are many acupoints in our body, if you want to know more about it, please clink it.
E: Chinese herbal tea is very effective at many chronic diseases, clink it you will find its image.
F: Traditional Chinese Medicine can prevent and treat many diseases, if you click it, you can benefit much from it.

There are many relative articles on these subjects, if you want to know more about it just click it.
Nature therapy-Acupuncture for Dysfunction of Temporomandibular Joint, TCM-Acupuncture for Insomnia, TCM-Acupuncture for Globus Hystericus, TCM-Acupuncture for Cervical Spondylopathy, TCM-Acupuncture for Sequela of Apoplexy

Angioneurotic headache

Angioneurotic headache is usually believed to be caused by disturbance of cerebral vessels and nerves and to be related to various active agents in blood. Clinically angioneurotic headache is unilateral and recurrent, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and premonitory signs. It is usually of family history and frequently seen among women. It is similar to headache and migraine in TCM. The causes are either attack by exogenous pathogenic wind or dysfunction of the liver, spleen and kidney that lead to retention of pathogenic factors in the meridians, or hyperactivity of liver yang, or obstruction by phlegm and stagnation, or failure of qi and blood to nourish the head.

[Syndrome differentiaton]
1. Wind attacking meridians
Frequent severe headache, onset with the attack of cold and wind, pain involving the neck and back, thin and white tongue fur, taut and tense pulse.

2. Hyperactivity of liver yang
Headache, dizziness, occurrence with mental upsets or nervousness, dysphoria and susceptibility to rage, in-somnia, flushed cheeks and bitter taste in the mouth, red tongue with yellow fur and taut pulse.

3. Asthenia of both qi and blood
Continuous headache, dizziness, relapse with over-strain, spiritual lassitude and fatigue, pale complexion, light-colored tongue, thin and weak pulse.

4. Interior obstruction of phlegm and turbid sub-stance
Headache, chest oppression, nausea, vomiting of phlegm and drool, white and greasy tongue fur, slippery pulse.

5. Qi stagnation and blood stasis
Prolonged duration, fixed location of pain, prickly pain, or history of traumatic injury of the head, purplish tongue or with ecchymoses, thin and unsmooth pulse.

1. Body acupuncture

Prescription: Baihui ( GV 20 ) and Taiyang ( EX-HN 5).
Modification: For wind attacking meridians, acupoints should be selected according to the location of head-ache. Yintang (EX-HN 3), Shangxing (GV 23) and Hegu (LI 4) are added for pain in the forehead; Touwei (ST 8), Fengchi (GB 20), Waiguan (TE 15) and Xiaxi (GB 43) are added for pain in the side of the head; Fengchi (6B 20) and Kunlun (BL 60) are added for pain in the back of the head; Fengchi (GB 20) and Taichong (LR 3) are added for pain in the vertex of the head; for hyperac-tivity of liver yang, Fengchi (GB 20) and Xingjian (LR 2) are added; for asthenia of both qi and blood, Qihai (CV 6), Zusanli (ST 36), Pishu (BL 20) and Shenshu (BL 23) are added; for interior obstruction of phlegm and tur-bid substance, Fenglong (ST 40) and Neiguan (PC 6) are added; for qi stagnation and blood stasis, Fengchi (GB 20), Hegu (LI 4), Taichong (LR 3), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) and Geshu (BL 17) are added.

Performance. Each time 4 - 6 acupoints are selected according to the pathological conditions. For the treat-ment of asthenia of both qi and blood, reinforcing needling technique and moxibustion are used. The rest syndromes are needled with reducing or mild reinforcing and reducing needling techniques. For the treatment of blood stasis, Taiyang (EX- HN 5) is pricked for bloodletting.

2. Ear acupuncture
Prescription: Subcortical (AT4), Occipital (AT3), Forehead (AT1), Temple (AT2), Liver (CO12) and Gall-bladder (CO11).

Performance. Each time 3 - 4 acupeints are selected and the needles are retained for 30 minutes. Or Wangbu liuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) is used for ear pressure.

More information: Acupuncture Angioneurotic headacheA:If you want to know information about traditional Chinese medicine culture, please clink it.B: If you want to learn nature therapy, welcome to join us.
C: How much do you know about Reflexology? If you don't know, TCM Center tells you.D: Acupuncture is another kind of nature and effective therapy, and there are many acupoints in our body, if you want to know more about it, please clink it.
E: Chinese herbal tea is very effective at many chronic diseases, clink it you will find its image.
F: Traditional Chinese Medicine can prevent and treat many diseases, if you click it, you can benefit much from it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Nature therapy-Acupuncture for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is one of the commonly encountered chronic anal and intestinal diseases and is divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and complicated hemorrhoids according to the location. TCM holds that hemorrhoids is caused by prolonged sitting, overloading, long distance walking, frequent labor, addiction to pungent and greasy foods, chronic diarrhea and constipation that lead to looseness of tendons and vessels, interior accumulation of damp-heat, stagnatin of qi and blood in the lower part of the body.

[Syndrome differentiation]
1. Sthenia syndrome
Fresh red or blackish red and profuse or scanty blood in stool, protrusion of hemorrhoids nucleus, swelling and pain or severe pain or burning sensation around the anus, retention of dry feces or unsmooth defecation, accompanied by dysphoria, dry mouth, abdominal distension, yellow urine, red tongue, yellowish or yellowish and greasy tongue fur, rapid and sthenic pulse.
2. Asthenia syndrome
Protrusion of hemorrhoids nucleus, prolapsing sensation of the anus; or protrusion of nucleus, light-colored or blackish bleeding, accompanied by palpitation, lusterless complexion, spiritual lassitude and shortness of breath, poor appetite, light-colored tongue and thin pulse.

1. Body acupuncture
Prescription: Baihuanshu (BL 30), Changqiang (GV 1), Chengshan (BL 57) and Erbai (EX-UE 2).
Modification: For sthenia syndrome, Ciliao (BL 32), Huiyang (BL 35) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) are added; for asthenia syndrome, Baihui (GV 20), Pishu (BL 20) and Zusanli (ST 36) are added.
Performance: Reducing needling technique is used for treating sthenia syndrome while reinforcing needling technique is used for treating asthenia syndrome. Baihnanshu (BL 30) and Changqiang (GV 1) are needled with mild reinforcing and reducing techniques. Chang-qiang (GV 1) is needled obliquely anterior to the coccyx. Baihui (GV 20) can be moxibusted.
2. Ear acupuncture
Prescription: Rectum (HX2), Large Intestine (CO7), Ear Shenmen (TF4) and Subcortex (AT4).
Performance: Each time 2 - 3 acupoints are selected and needled with medium stimulation. The needles are retained for 20 - 30 minutes once a day. Or Wangbuliuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) is used for ear acupressure.

Source: Acupuncture- Acupuncture for Hemorrhoids
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nature therapy-Acupuncture for Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands

Hyperplasia of mammary glands is believed to be caused by disturbance of the ovary, usually seen among young women. The clinical manifestations are multiple different-sized and movable nodules in one or both breasts, distension and pain of the breasts, especially before menstruation. This disease pertains to the conception of mammary stagnation in TCM due to prolonged stagnation of liver qi and coagulation of phlegm; or due to asthenia of the liver and kidney, dysfunction of the thorough-fare vessel and retention of phlegm in the stomach collaterals over the breast since the middle age.

[Syndrome differentiation]
Different-sized, round and hard nodules appear in one or both of the breasts. When the nodules become large, they appear like cysts with unclear margin, no adhesion with the skin and thoracic fascia, local distending pain and aggravation before menstruation. Sometimes the nipple discharges yellowish and greenish, brownish and bloody liquid, accompanied by aching and weakness of loins and fatigue, irregular menstruation, mental depression, dysphoria and insomnia.

1. Body acupuncture
Prescription: Tanzhong (CV 17), Wuyi (ST 15), Rugen (ST 18), Jianjing (GB 21) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6).
Modification: For irregular menstruation, Qihai (CV 6), Zusanli (ST 36) and Taichong (LR 3) are added; for mental depression, dysphoria and insomnia, Hegu (LI 4), Neiguan (PC 6) and Taichong (LR 3 ) are added; for aching and weakness of the loins, Shenshu (BL 23) and Taixi (KI 3) are added.
Performance: Tanzhong (CV 17) is needled horizon-tally toward the breast on the affected side; Wuyi (ST 15) is needled horizontally lateral; Rugen (ST 18) is needled toward the upper direction or horizontally lateral or obliquely. All these three acupoints are needled with rotating and reducing techniques. Shenshu (BL 23) and Taixi (KI 3) are needled with rotating and reinforcing techniques. The needles are retained and manipulated twice or 3 times at intervals.
2. Ear acupuncture
Prescription: Endocrine (CO18), Liver (CO12 and Kidney (CO12).
Performance: Medium and strong stimulation is required, the needles are retained for 30 minutes and the needling is done once a day. Or Wangbuliuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) is used for ear acupressure.

Source: Acupuncture- Acupuncture for Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands
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Chinese herbal tea is very effective at many choronic diseases, click it you will find its image. TCM can prevent and treat many diseases, click it you will benefit a lot.
Chinese medicine for slimming has a history of 5000 years; it is popular among the obesity people since Chinese Ancient time. Our center provides you a kind of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for losing weight, lowering blood sugar, and also it is function of health care. It is the genuine evangel for the obese people.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nature therapy-Acupuncture for Acute Mastadenitis

Acute mastadenitis refers to infection of the breast due to invasion of bacteria into mammary glands and lactiferous ducts. This problem is frequently encountered among women with breastfeeding, especially primipara. It usually occurs 3 - 4 weeks after labor due to rupture of nipple and invasion of bacteria complicated by unsmooth secretion of milk and stagnation of milk. The clinical manifestations are local swelling, pain, tenderness and hard nodules of the breast, accompanied by aversion to cold, fever and enlargement of lymph nodes over the armpit on the affected side. This disease pertains to breast abscess in TCM due to invasion of pathogenic factors or accumulation of milk; or due to mental upsets and stagnation of liver qi; or due to excessive intake of rich foods and accumulation of heat in the stomach meridian that lead to the obstruction of the vessels and stagnation of qi, blood and milk.

[Syndrome differentiation]
Redness, swelling and pain of the breast on the affected side; breast nodules, swelling, pain and difficulty in secreting milk before suppuration; frequently accompanied by headache due to cold and heat, nausea and thirst; enlargement of the breast lumps, redness and swelling of skin, local continuous throbbing pain and lingering fever.

Prescription: Zusanli (ST 36), Shaoze (SI 1) and Jianjing (GB 21).
Modification: For headache due to cold and heat, Hegu (LI 4), Quchi (LI 11) and Fengchi (GB 20) are added; for distension and pain of the breast, Qimen (LR 14) and Taichong (LR 3) are added; for chest oppression and hiccup, Neiguan (PC 6) and Tanzhong (CV 17) are added.
Performance: Reducing needling technique is used. Fengchi (GB 20) and the acupoints on the chest and back are needled with rotating manipulation. Shaoze (SI 1) is pricked to let blood. Jianjing (GB 21) is needled 0.3 -0.5 cun lest the viscera be impaired. Qimen (LR 14) is needled 0.5 cun obliquely toward the breast. Tanzhong (CV 17) is needled horizontally 1 cun toward the affected part. The needles are retained for 30 minutes and manipulated at intervals.

Source: Acupuncture- Acupuncture for Acute Mastadenitis
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Chinese medicine for slimming has a history of 5000 years; it is popular among the obesity people since Chinese Ancient time. Our center provides you a kind of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for losing weight, lowering blood sugar, and also it is function of health care. It is the genuine evangel for the obese people.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nature therapy-Acupuncture for Sprain of Soft Tissues of the Limbs

Sprain of the soft tissues of the limbs refers to the sprain of the muscles, tendons and ligaments around the shoulders, elbows, hip joints, knees and ankles due to twisting or pulling without fracture, dislocation and contusion of the skin. The clinical manifestations are swelling, pain and dysfunction of the joints. This problem per-rains to the conception of impairment of tendons in TCM due to improper exertion or falling and contusion that impair the vessels and meridians and result in stagnation of qi and blood.

[Syndrome differentiation]
The main manifestations are swelling, pain, dysfunction of the joints and cyanotic color of local skin. If there are signs of protrusive swelling and unsmooth movement of the joints, the sprain is severe.

1. Body acupuncture
Prescription: Local Ashi acupoints.
Modification: For the treatment of the shoulders, Jianyu (LI 15), Jianliao (TE 14), Jianzhen (SI 9) and Jianjing (GB 21) are added; for the treatment of the elbows, Quchi (LI 11), Xiaohai (SI 8) and Tianjing (TE 10) are added; for the treatment of the wrist, Yangchi (TE 4), Yangxi (LI 5), Yanggu (SI 5) and Waiguan (TE 15) are added; for the treatment of hip joints, Huantiao (GB 30), Zhibian (BL 54) and Chengfu (BL 36) are add-ed; for the treatment of the knees, Xiyan (EX-LE 5), Liangqiu (ST 34), Xiyangguan (GB 33 ) and Yanglingquan (GB 34) are added; for the treatment of the ankles, Jiexi (ST 41), Kunlun (BL 60) and Qiuxu (GB 40) are added.
Performance: Reducing needling technique is used; local acupoints can be moxibusted or applied with cupping.
2. Ear acupuncture
Prescription: Reaction points and Ear Shenmen (TF4).
Performance: Medium and strong stimulation is required, the needles are retained for 20 - 30 minutes and the needling is done once a day. For the treatment of old wound, Wangbuliuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) can be used for ear acupressure.

Source: Acupuncture- Acupuncture for Sprain of Soft Tissues of the Limbs
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Chinese medicine for slimming has a history of 5000 years; it is popular among the obesity people since Chinese Ancient time. Our center provides you a kind of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for losing weight, lowering blood sugar, and also it is function of health care. It is the genuine evangel for the obese people.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nature therapy-Acupuncture for Acute Lumbar Sprain

Acute lumbar sprain is usually caused by improper posture, or excessive exertion or falling and contusion that impair the lumbar muscles, fascia and ligaments. The clinical manifestations are sudden lumbago and limited movement of the waist. TCM holds that lumbago is caused by improper exertion or falling and contusion that lead to impairment of the lumbar tendons and meridians as well as stagnation of qi and blood.

[Syndrome differentiation]
Sudden onset of lumbago, aggravation in movement, limited movement of the waist, inability of the waist to straighten, difficulty in pronation and turning of the body or even standing, frequent supporting of the waist with the hands; or spasm of the local muscles on the lower limbs, obvious tenderness and evident sprain history.

1. Body acupuncture
Prescription: Shuigou (GV 26), Houxi (SI 3), Weizhong (BL 40), Yaoyangguan (GV 3), Dachangshu (BL 25) and Ashi Acupoints.
Performance: Each time 24 acupoints are selected and needled with reducing needling technique. Shuigou (GV 26) or Houxi (SI 3) is needled first. Shuigou (GV 26) is needled obliquely upward with rotating manipulation of the needle. The patient is asked to move the waist during the retention of the needle. Weizhong (BL 40) is punctured to let blood with a three-edged needle. The acupoints on the waist can also be moxibusted or treated with cupping. The needles are retained for 20 30 minutes and manipulated at intervals.
2. Ear acupuncture
Prescription: Lumbosacral Vertebrae (AH9), reaction points, Ear Shenmen (TF4) and Subcortical (AT4).
Performance: Strong stimulation, 30- 60 minutes of needle retention and manipulation of needles at intervals. Or Wangbuliuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) is used for ear acupressure.

Source: Acupuncture- Acupuncture for Acute Lumbar Sprain
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Chinese herbal tea is very effective at many choronic diseases, click it you will find its image. TCM can prevent and treat many diseases, click it you will benefit a lot.
Chinese medicine for slimming has a history of 5000 years; it is popular among the obesity people since Chinese Ancient time. Our center provides you a kind of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for losing weight, lowering blood sugar, and also it is function of health care. It is the genuine evangel for the obese people.